Killer Queen Interactive Scoreboard

scoreboard picture

[Features] [How to Use] [Setting Names and Scores] [Problems?] [Changelog]

The KQIS is a free overlay project that extends HiveMind to bring live stats and tournament integration into your overlay with minimum work! You can plug the display into any existing OBS overlay without needing to re-design anything.


How to Use

  1. Ensure your scene and cabinet are properly integrated into HiveMind. See this guide for getting things set up! Make a note of your HiveMind scene name and cabinet name for the next step.
  2. In your OBS scene, add a new Browser source. Enter the following settings:
  1. That's it! The overlay should load automatically and begin receiving game events. You can move and scale the scoreboard window to suit your scene's overlay.

Need an OBS Overlay?

To get a very basic scene file for use in OBS, go to, again replacing sceneName and cabinetName with your HiveMind values. In OBS, go to Scene Collection -> Import, click Add, open the downloaded file and then click the checkmark on the list to add it. Switch to the new "KQIS Simple Overlay" setup in the Scene Collection menu, and then add your stream sources for the game and (optionally) player cameras.

Tournament Integration

The KQIS will automatically adjust team names and points when it detects a HiveMind tournament is running. Follow these instructions for how to do tournament integration. There is no need to manually adjust anything in the overlay during the tournament, everything is managed through HiveMind.

Manually Changing Team Names and Scores

You can also adjust scores and team names manually, which will be necessary when not running a tournament. In OBS, click the overlay's Browser source and click Interact. In the pop-out window, click anywhere inside the overlay to show the edit interface.

edit interface

Edit these fields to adjust the following parameters:

  1. Set team names for each team.
  2. Set number of games won for each team. This is automatically tallied by the scoreboard, but you can use this for manual adjustment when needed.
  3. Set maximum number of wins to show on each side (So for a Best of Three, enter 2).
  4. Click "New Set" when a new set is about to begin. This resets both team scores to 0 and resets all tracked data from the last series of games.
  5. When you are done with adjustments, click the "Done" button to save and exit the edit interface.

Tip: You can keep the Interact window tucked away to easily adjust things in the future.

Bugs? Questions? Feedback?

This is a project for the KQ community, so your thoughts and help are very welcome! Message me on Discord at lucidsheep#8535.

Known Issues

Known issues without fixes (limitations of event system)


v15 (8/4/22)

v14 (8/1/22)

v13 (7/14/22)

v12 (7/11/22)

v11 (7/3/22)

v10 (6/28/22)

v9 (6/26/22)

v8 (6/19/22)

v4 (6/6/22)